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Computer graphics hardware manufacturer NVIDIA
demonstrates its new Maxwell GPU by
modeling the illumination in Apollo photographs that
conspiracy theorists say display anomalous lighting.
YouTube - 知乎:YouTube是一个视频网站,早期公司位于加利福尼亚州的圣布鲁诺。注册于2021年2月15日,由华裔美籍华人陈士骏等人创立,让用户下载、观看及分享影片或短片。2021年11月,Google公司伡16.5亿美元收购了YouTube,并把其当做一家子公司来经营。但是对于如何 ... This site is named after the Clavius Moon Base
in Arthur C. Clarke's novel 2001: A Space
Odyssey, and visualized by Stanley Kubrick in
the film of the same name.
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Clavius link icon, thanks to a creative reader.